How much earn re-employed older worker?

Half of re-employed older workers earn less than in their previous jobs; one-third earn more.

Among workers aged 45-70 who had been unemployed during the past 5 years, „almost half (48%) of the reemployed said that they were earning less on their current jobs than the job they had before they most recently become unemployed….“roughly 29%-including 25% of those who had been long-term unemployed-were earning more on their current jobs than the jobs they had before they most recently became unemployed, according to a 2015 AARP study.


Koenig, G., Trawinski, L., & Rix, S. (2015). The long road back: Struggling to find work after unemployment. (fig. 1 and p. 2). Washington, DC: AARP. Retrieved from
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