Solopreneurship and the End of „Retirement“

I think we can all agree: the later years of life-those decades formerly known as „retirement“–are changing rapidly… and radically. The Baby Boom gifted 21st-century America with a graying population: there are 78 million Baby Boomers, the first of whom turned 65 in 2011. Today, we’re turning 65 at a rate of about 10,000 a day, and 65+-year-olds make up about 13% of the U.S. Population.

Meanwhile, traditional pensions are dwindling and Social Security is in trouble. The recession and painfully slow recovery mean that retirement savings are in short supply, while many near-retirees have also lost home equity or a job. And because the population is growing older so quickly, programs for the elderly are expected to consume an ever-larger percentage of federal dollars (the projected statistics for 2015 put federal spending for the elderly at nearly half the federal budget).

Pretty bleak, huh? …  Read more »
Jackie B. Peterson

Author of Better, Smarter, Richer | Business
Coach/Mentor for Solo, Creative, and Encore Entrepreneurs
Portland, Oregon Area | Professional Training & Coaching

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